On this edition of Hillary Clinton's VEEP WATCH: A decision could come within days, and the latest speculation is not about Colorado's Gov. John Hickenlooper.
Politico thinks that Tom Vilsack, the agriculture secretary, is this week's rising star, but Vilsack is not confirming any of it.
“I’m a workhorse, not a show horse,” he told Politico. “Not a rock star, I’m rock solid. I’m all about doing, and getting things done. It’s not in my nature to market myself."
Well, OK. Vilsack is joined in the "top tier" by Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine and Labor Secretary Tom Perez, "according to multiple people who are in regular contact with her inner circle," as Politico reports.
But wait, you say: Hickenlooper visited Clinton's house.
How does that not put him in the top tier?
Well, Politico figures that was a "getting to know you" meeting, and that Vilsack didn't need that because he has been a friend "for decades."
And yet Hickenlooper's meeting went "really well," and he also has been a close friend "for many years," ABC News reports.
How many friends do these Clintons have, anyway?
Clinton's decision could come on Friday or Saturday.
That's what ABC News figures. The piece reports that Clinton doesn't have a "traditional short list," but instead is using a "dynamic" process.
You know, it seems like this might be kind of fun for the candidates. I imagine Clinton scratching her chin and saying "hmmmmmmm" as she swivels on a chair surrounded by giant photos of all these people, and then smiling as each swivel produces another news article.
Anyway, ABC puts Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia atop their list. Hickenlooper, spatially speaking, is at the bottom. My advice to Hick: Don't stop be-veep-ing.