UPDATE: Denver Zoo spokesman Sean Andersen-Vie confirmed that Dobby stepped out to say hello to zoo visitors today for the first time:
"Dobby did go out and is doing well. The crowds were huge and he met a happy reception. Kipele is doing great too. Behind the scenes, one of his zookeepers say he loves playing with his caretakers by running back in forth in his stalls while they work. We are still monitoring him closely but are optimistic about his health. With vet approval, and weather dependent, he should be out regularly."
EARLIER: Dobby the giraffe will be viewable by the public for the first time today -- if he's feeling up to it.
The baby giraffe, born at the Denver Zoo Feb. 28, has had quite an introduction to the world, complete with a plasma transfusion thanks to the staff (and giraffe herd) of the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs.
An employee who answered the phone at the Denver Zoo said that zoo staff would essentially open the door to the viewable enclosure for Dobby and see if he went out on his own -- but that they wouldn't take steps to send him out if he didn't go on his own.
Here's a video of some of Dobby's care: