Whether you walk with assistance or without, there's a pretty good chance that you've been travelled somewhere in Denver that could have been better. Maybe it was a missing sidewalk, maybe even a close call with a car.
In this Chart of the Week, I looked at areas of concern identified by pedestrians who responded to Denver's Vision Zero survey to find where our streets could be better for pedestrians.
Actually, almost half of all the survey responses were from able-bodied pedestrians. More than anything else, they were bothered by speeding cars.
But which areas were repeated areas of concern for pedestrians? As I did for bicyclists, the following list reflects spots roughly .1 mile in diameter and the total number of concern areas that pedestrians mentioned.
5. East 8th Avenue and Colorado Boulevard area - 9 complaints

Eight out of nine respondents said that people in this area fail to yield on turns. Might be worth looking at the light timing here.
4. Speer Boulevard and Downing Street area - 10 complaints

Concerns here run the gamut from no crosswalk, to failing to yield, to not enough time to cross, to speeding. Overall, this just sounds like a bad experience. It was a bad spot for bicyclists as well.
My experience of this intersection is mainly as a connector from Capitol Hill to Washington Park. It wouldn't surprise me if lots of other people not in cars wanted to use the area the same way.
3. East 17th Avenue and Garfield Street area - 11 complaints

Ten out of 11 respondents were concerned that this area had no crosswalk. Above, Leroy Williams is crossing at a not-crosswalk. The issue here seems pretty clear.
2. West 6th Avenue and Bannock Street area - 14 complaints

Blocking the crosswalk and not enough time to cross were the main complaint in this area.
"They run the turn signal when people are in the crosswalk, they block the crosswalks and bikes dart across against the signal as well," one person wrote. "No one follows the rules at the intersection of 6th and Bannock."
1. East 19th Avenue and Lincoln area - 26 complaints

To me, this area has never felt designed for walking. Appropriately, the top concern was speeding, followed by no crosswalk.
Check out what pedestrians were concerned about in your area below: