I'm always excited to see a press release from the Denver Zoo about a new baby animal. Like all users of the internet, I enjoy a good dose of cuteness to go along with the special prosecutors and sudden resignations of elected officials. This year we've had Dobby the Giraffe, Miso-Chi the Fishing Cat and Umi the Malayan Tapir.
Now we have Penny the Red-Ruffed Lemur.

You ever have a friend have a baby, and the baby just isn't that cute? And you're like, oh, it's a baby! Of course, someone might have felt that way about my babies, but to me they were beautiful. And I'm sure Penny is beautiful to her parents, Sixpence and Mego. Penny was born April 25 and is now hanging out in the public viewing areas of the Emerald Forest section of the Denver Zoo.
And I'm sure she'll grow into her face pretty soon here.