RTD is looking for residents from across its eight-county area to join its Citizens Advisory Committee and have a voice in planning RTD strategies and initiatives and the FasTracks program.
Applications are being accepted through May 10.
In addition to advising RTD, the 17-member group is charged with encouraging input from communities and keeping residents apprised of RTD programs, services and projects.
The group is meant to represent diverse backgrounds, interests, locations and professional experiences, and members are chosen to ensure broad representation. Considerations include residency within the RTD district, a demonstrated interest in public transit and the FasTracks program, previous community service, experience working with local jurisdictions on regional issues and professional expertise, according to a press release.
Applicants need to submit a letter of no more than two typed pages addressing these topics:
- Why you want to serve on the committee, and what unique experience and skills you will bring ?
- What affiliations and volunteer activities you have that will add value to the committee?
- A statement of your personal objectives and goals, if accepted for CAC membership.
The letter should be sent to Roger Sherman of CRL Associates at [email protected].
For more information, contact Sherman at 303-592-5465.