Update: We did it! We blew past our stretch goal of 125 new Denverite donors -- and that means we're making stickers.
More details on that to come. For now, please accept our most sincere and giddy thanks. There is no Denverite (or weird Denverite merch) without you.
Thank you, and happy New Year.
The end of a year and of a decade approaches, and you know what that means -- classic works of art recreated with the red eyes and blue face of Denver's killer mustang statue.
As is the tradition.
Photographer and artist Kevin J. Beaty has been laboring over these creations, which we hope will not kill him, as a year-end "thank you" to Denverite donors and members. He's put them in an advent calendar of sorts -- again, in the tradition of the season -- and we're revealing them as we get first-time donors.
As much as we'd like to just show you Kevin's Kreations, that's not how this works. We don't make the rules.
(Ed. note: We do, in fact, make the rules.)
So please become a Denverite member today. We'd like to share this specific piece of weird work with you and, more importantly, we'd like to continue to share all of our weird and important work with you. A donation to Denverite supports Denverite costs. It pays our salaries and for the tools we need to do our jobs. It ensures Denverite is still around to keep an eye on City Council, tell the human stories tied to Denver's housing crisis, put the arts into context, and break stories about goose culling. It allows us to keep doing journalism for our city.
And it allows us to maybe make you some Blucifer-as-art stickers.
But don't take it from us, (she wrote in her best informercial voice). Here's why people are becoming Denverite members right now:
"Denverite is focused on the things that matter to me."
"Denverite helps me look smart at work."
"You help make Denver feel like home to me :)"
"Great reporting"
"I was going to impulse buy something but decided to donate instead."
If you're not already a Denverite member, now's a great time to join us. If you want to make a small, one-time donation, we'd love that too.
If you're already a Denverite member, thank you. Would you be a friend and tell a friend?