City and County web and phone services are back online

Nothing nefarious caused the outages.
2 min. read
In Denver, your phone might look like this a lot. (David Becher/Flickr)

Web and phone services for the City and County of Denver were restored Tuesday afternoon after facing technical issues that started on Monday.

City officials said a technical outage caused disruptions to the city’s website along with 311 services.

Starting Monday afternoon, Denverites heading to the website were met with error messages, while 311 and other city numbers were unreachable.

Importantly, officials said 911 calls weren’t impacted.

What caused the outages?

The city is still looking into the issue and said on Twitter that some “brief interruptions may occur.”

Officials added that they believe the issues stemmed from a routine system update and nothing external such as a hacker,” the Denver Post reported.

Something that was impacted? City Council hearings

City Council was also affected by the outage Monday night. The City Council meeting was unable to stream via Zoom so virtual participation during the General Public Comment session could not occur.

However, a City Council spokesperson said none of the participants who signed up for the comment session were online, so they were able to be heard.

The disruption also delayed the public hearing and vote on the proposed accessory dwelling unit rezoning of the Berkeley, Sunnyside and Sloan's Lake neighborhoods.

Councilmember Amanda Sandoval is sponsoring the change that would blanket rezone about 1,700 parcels to allow for ADU construction.

During council, Sandoval asked for the rezoning discussion to be rescheduled for June 24 to allow folks to participate in the public hearing. With rezonings, a public comment session is required.

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