Alamo Drafthouse Sloans Lake workers go on strike

While layoffs have hit all three Denver metro Alamo locations, the Sloans Lake theater is the only one striking.
2 min. read
“How to order.” Media day at the new Alamo Drafthouse on West Colfax, May 8, 2017.
Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite

Employees at the Alamo Drafthouse Sloans Lake location are going on strike to protest layoffs at the nationwide theater chain. 

The union that represents workers, Communications Workers of America Local 7777, said dozens of employees are being cut across the chain’s three Denver-area locations. 

The union’s count of layoffs by location is: 23 people from the Westminster location, 13 from the Littleton location and 11 from the Sloans Lake location.

Only employees at the Sloans Lake location are striking. 

When layoffs were first announced earlier this month, union employees said they were filing complaints against Alamo, but had no immediate plans to call for a boycott or strike. 

That changed earlier this week, when union members voted unanimously to authorize a strike, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The union has alleged the layoffs are unjust and unnecessary and violate national labor laws. Union members said Sony, the Drafthouse’s newest owners, have chosen to lay people off instead of cutting hours during a seasonal slowdown. 

Other Alamo theaters nationwide laid off an untold number of workers in December, and the company dropped 9 percent of its corporate workforce, Variety reported.

An unfair labor practice charge against Sony filed by the union remains open.

Denverite repoter Kyle Harris contributed to this report.

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