So who were those people who ran onto Coors Field Tuesday night?

The group was quickly escorted off by security.
1 min. read

A curious thing happened in the seventh inning of the Rockies' 7-3 win over the Dodgers on Tuesday night. A group of four people dashed from the stands onto the field. They attempted to unfurl a banner but failed and were quickly escorted away.

If you attended the game or just saw the incident on social media, you were probably wondering who the heck those people were?

Well, a group of animal rights activists associated with the group Direct Action Everywhere is taking responsibility for the field-storming. A press release the group sent out indicated that it was fired up about $1 hot dog night at Coors Field. Direct Action Everywhere was protesting because it doesn't support institutions that sell animal products.

So there you have it. Carry on.

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