Toastmasters, that speaking club thing your one friend is always telling you to do, may move its headquarters and almost 200 employees from Southern California to Denver.
Or, as the Daily Breeze of Los Angeles County puts it:
A nonprofit known for training people to give great speeches has clammed up about efforts to move its worldwide headquarters out of Southern California.
The group's board (the Toastmastermasters, as I like to call them) reportedly recommended the move because Southern California is getting "too expensive." (In that case, I suggest Muncie, Indiana.)
The matter will be decided this week by a vote at the group's International Convention, according to the Daily Breeze.
The chief opposition (a woman named Ann Lau) will not be allowed to set up a booth and distribute anti-move literature, the Breeze reported.
“It almost seems like they’re trying to pull the wool over our eyes,” she's quoted as saying. “There’s no transparency to the reasons they want to move. Where is the analysis?”