Less than a day after Denver Arts & Venues told the city's arts community it set aside $20,000 for safe creative spaces, Meow Wolf has announced that it will match that with a $20,000 donation specifically for Rhinoceropolis and Glob.
Meow Wolf --an elaborate, well-known and successful DIY space in Santa Fe -- said in a statement on its website that it opened applications to receive grants from a $100,000 DIY fund on Jan. 1.
"But since then, a more immediate need in Santa Fe’s homie-city, Denver, became very apparent."
The $20,000 will also support the new Amplify Arts group. The two venues and the group must use the money for rent, utilities, architecture fees and build-out costs required for the spaces to get up to code.
The applications are still open to other DIY spaces. They're due by March 15.