The Colorado Railroad Museum is holding their annual auction of rails-related stuff, and it's your chance to get your hands on some of this iconic history. The auction ends on March 11 at 6p.m so act fast!
Proceeds from the sale help support the museum, which is located in Golden. Most notably, the museum needs help restoring their 5-garage roundhouse, which boasts a functional 74-foot turntable.
Most of the collection for sale consists of books, but there are absolutely some gems in there. Take this cool old Denver tramway lantern. According to the item's description this lantern has a "well earned finish of grit and grime" and is adorned with a message reading "STOLEN FROM DENVER TRAMWAY."

Maybe you pine for a simpler era, when public health was something left for communists and fools. Remind yourself with this New York Central Railroad sign that it's absolutely acceptable to get your fix in an enclosed vehicle.

And then there's this lamp that's been turned into a lamp, "perfect for your Train Room at home."

Go on. Relish the past and help support this keeper of Colorado history who is preserving traces of the technology that allowed this state to flourish.