The South Broadway bike lane will get longer, Denver Public Works announced Thursday. The agency says that they will extend the bikeway study lane so that it stretches from East Virginia Avenue to Cherry Creek.
The decision comes after three months of preliminary data suggested that vehicles were delayed just 9 seconds travelling from Colfax to I-25 after the installation of the lane.
As for cyclists and pedestrians, fewer bikes were on the sidewalk, suggesting a safer outcome for them, Denver Public Works said in a release.
In fact, the response that DPW heard most from cyclists and pedestrians was that the lane made them feel safer.
Design efforts for the new lane and some pedestrian improvements will kick off in September 2018, though the source of the money hasn't been identified yet.
Meanwhile, there's another change possibly coming to Broadway: DPW and RTD are considering changing the peak-hours bus lane into a full-time bus lane.
"These changes, including new pavement markings for the transit-only lane, will get underway as early as this summer and will be studied for about a year," the agency said.