Amendment X asks whether to remove the definition of "industrial hemp" from the constitution.
Here’s the language you’ll see on your ballot:
Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning changing the industrial hemp definition from a constitutional definition to a statutory definition?
What does that mean?
When Coloradans legalized marijuana, a definition for industrialized hemp was added to the constitution. Hemp can be used for building materials, food, fuel, medicine, paper, rope, and textiles, and has only the tiniest bit of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.
It aligns with the current federal definition, which may change someday. If it does, Amendment X would ensure Colorado's definition could change with it by embedding it in a statute instead of the constitution. That's important for anyone interested in starting a hemp businesses -- legally -- should the feds change things up, according to Republican state Sen. Vicki Marble, a co-sponsor.
Who's for it and who's against it?
Amendment X is a bipartisan measure sent to voters by the Colorado General Assembly. Marble, Democrat state Sen. Stephen Fenberg, Republican state Rep. Lori Saine, and Democrat state rep. Dan Pabon sponsored it. Win the Fourth Colorado Issue Committee, a group registered to Richard Marsh, supports the amendment.
Five Republican legislators voted against sending the measure to voters. Vote No on Amendment X (Keep Hemp Legal) is a registered opponent but has not raised any money for the campaign. Douglas Bruce, the author of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, is also a registered opponent because of course -- he's opposing almost every constitutional amendment this year.