Denver weather July 30: 92 and sunny, low chance of evening storms

If you’re out at the Dragon Boat Festival, Underground Music Showcase or just walking the dog, be sure to stay hydrated.
1 min. read
Lakewood’s Belmar Park is a hotbed of Pokémon GO activity. Everyone’s here to catch a Squirtle. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite) pokemon go; belmar park; lakewood; denver; colorado; kevinjbeaty; denverite

Rollerbladers crest a hill in Lakewood's Belmar Park earlier this week. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)

If you're out at the Dragon Boat Festival, Underground Music Showcase or just walking the dog, be sure to stay hydrated -- it's going to be hot today, with highs in the metro area around 92. And if you've got allergies, consider breathing canned air -- it'll be a little rough out there today and tomorrow.

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