For a limited time, Coloradans can check out the inside of one of Mormons' most mysterious, sacred buildings.
The newly constructed Mormon temple in Fort Collins will be open to the public starting Friday. People can schedule tours of the building through Sept. 10.
Mormon temples are generally only accessible to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The buildings are places where Mormons conduct special, private ceremonies like sealing ordinance for couples getting married and baptisms for the dead.
The last and only other temple built in Colorado was completed in 1986 in Centennial. The new 42,000-square-foot temple in southeast will serve about 44,000 members of the rapidly growing Mormon population in northern Colorado and southern Wyoming.
Those wishing to make a free reservation for the open house can visit www.templeopenhouse.lds.org or call 1-855-537-2000. Tours include a 10-minute video presentation and a 40-minute walking through of the temple.