An old Chevrolet dealership in Arvada will become Denver Beer Company's third brewery and tasting room early in 2017.

Construction begins within the next few weeks at 5768 Olde Wadsworth Blvd. The new location is in Olde Town Arvada, aka downtown Arvada, the company announced.
The new location, like the Platte Street headquarters, will include a brewery, patio and tap room. That's good, because the Platte Street location is ridiculously crowded sometimes. (The third location, the "Canworks" in Sunnyside, is currently closed for construction and expansion.)
In all, we're looking at 4,350 square feet of new DBC, with a seven-barrel brew system, which should hopefully be enough for all of you crazy Arvada people. Interestingly, the Platte Street location also used to be an automotive business.