All year long, Denver was touted as one of the hottest housing markets of 2016. But not all of Denver is equally hot, if you take a look at single family detached home sales.
Neighborhoods in the central core of Denver were decidedly less hot. But there are some obvious reasons for that.

Areas such as Capitol Hill have way more condos, which weren't part of this analysis, and a lot more renters. The percentage of owner-occupied housing was less than 30 percent in those neighborhoods, according to the 2010-2014 American Community Survey estimates.
So instead, the easternmost parts of town, the parts farthest away from our treasured mountains, took the title of most home sales. This too has a common-sense explanation.

Oakwood Homes, the party that sold the most homes in Denver in 2016, builds homes in Green Valley Ranch and nearby neighborhoods. These homes are advertised at an affordable price, but recent stories of consumer complaints suggest that affordability could come at a price.
Highland-adjacent neighborhoods were also popular, fitting the continued upscaling of the area. Otherwise a few other outlying neighborhoods were popular as well. Check it out for yourself below.
Most single-family detached homes sold by neighborhood
Methodology: This analysis was performed using Denver's data on real property sales and transfers. Foreclosure sales were not included in this analysis.