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FiveThirtyEight rolled out a new tool Monday that makes it easy to see how often your representative or senator is voting in support of the agenda of President Donald Trump. Whether you think that's good or bad depends on your point of view, of course.
A word of caution: There have been just eight votes so far, most of them to confirm various nominees to cabinet positions -- and some of the most controversial nominees haven't even come up for a vote yet. So the percentage agreement you see today might not be the percentage agreement you see six months from now.
For example, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California looks like far and away the most pro-Trump Democrat, even though she plans to introduce legislation today to undo the president's executive order banning refugees and the citizens of seven Muslim nations from entering the United States.
The tool provides a predicted level of support for Trump based on how a senator's or representative's state or district voted and then an actual level of support. By this metric, Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner seems unusually supportive of Trump among a whole list of Republicans with 100 percent support for the president's agenda. That's because he represents a state Trump lost by 5 points. Gardner is on the record against the executive order on immigration, but we don't know yet how he'll vote on any legislation Democrats might introduce to block Trump.
Again, time will tell.
Expect the tool to get more accurate as congresspeople vote on more issues and nominees.