You hear a lot more complaints about the time change in the fall, when a one-hour shift in the clocks brings darkness crashing down upon us, but the spring time change is the one I hate. I'm a busy person. I needed that hour.
But what if we just didn't mess around with this time change business at all?
A bill in the Colorado legislature sponsored by Republican Rep. Phil Covarrubias and Democratic Rep. Dan Pabon would do away with these bi-annual changes and keep daylight savings time in effect all year round.
(Daylight saving time is the time we're in now, not the time we were in last week, in case you have trouble keeping that straight. I know I do.)
HB 1226 would only take effect if the voters approve the change in November 2018 and if other states in the mountain time zone do the same. Which already raises one little problem. Arizona, also in the mountain time zone, doesn't observe daylight savings time, so they're on mountain standard all year. That means in addition to asking other mountain states to do away with the time change, we'd also have to get Arizona, a natural ally in this venture, to go one hour ahead to keep up with us.
The bill gets its first hearing 1:30 p.m. Monday before the House Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources Committee.