Every day in Denver has its own bit of history. Nine years ago today, Senator John McCain was campaigning for president in Denver.
Read tomorrow's history today, by which I mean, read all this local news. We've got a breakdown of the GO Bond transportation money, the Overland Music festival update, John Elway and more.
What's all that GO Bond transportation money doing?
Exclusively pedestrian or transit projects each got roughly three times the dedicated funding that bikes got. The single biggest project, $101 million for deferred street maintenance, outstrips money dedicated exclusively to either pedestrian, biking or transit. Here's what to make of it all. (Denverite)
By the way, it is a lot of GO Bond money.
The city's chief financial officer said the $937 million bond package is the maximum that the city can safely and responsibly borrow without raising taxes. (Denverite)
City council needs more time to decide if Overland Music Festival gets approval
A major three-day music festival on Overland Golf Course with $250 tickets is not a done deal. The Denver City Council won't comment or vote on the contract from promoter Superfly until July 31. (Denverite)
UMS: A summer reunion for the local music scene
"You’d be running from one part of South Broadway to another and you’d see 500 people that you know," said Esmé Patterson. Read more about Denver's Underground Music Showcase.
John Elway stays with the Broncos until 2021
Elway will remain the team’s general manager and executive vice president of football operations in Denver through 2021. (Denverite)
Anti-fracking activists consider civil disobedience
The activists are upset that state regulators intend to fight a ruling that environmental and public health are preconditions that need to be addressed before drilling. (DP)
$17 million DMV upgrade tied to computer failures
DMV offices were closed for long stretches of time on March 6, 7, 8 and 9. Though officials have said it's not related to the upgrade, internal emails say otherwise. (Fox31)
How to get a refund for your Justin Bieber ticket
If you bought your seat through Ticketmaster, refunds come automatically within 72 hours for the full purchase price and all fees. Otherwise it's a bit more complicated. (9News)
Colorado’s David Bernhardt is confirmed for Interior Department post
David Bernhardt will be deputy Interior secretary, despite conservationists' concerns. Sens. Michael Bennet and Cory Gardner both voted for him. (DP)
$2.8 million will help 130 homes with lead abatement
If you have a child, and your home was built before 1970 and housing costs are hard to afford, Denver might be able to help you make sure there’s no dangerous lead in your home. (Denverite)