Your Denver news podcast topics this week: The Ingrid Encalada Saga

Here’s this week’s episode of Denverite Now, your favorite Denver news podcast!
1 min. read

Here's this week's episode of Denverite Now, your favorite Denver news podcast!

Here's how our host, Paul Karolyi, describes this episode:

This week on Denverite Now…

1) Adrian D. Garcia discusses the Boulder-based Brewers Association’s latest plea for attention in their struggle against Big Beer. Here’s his piece on the subject:

Craft brewers ready to buy Anheuser, just need $213 billion

2) Kevin Beaty shares the story of Ingrid Encalada, a Peruvian immigrant who has escaped deportation and is currently taking sanctuary at a church in Fort Collins. Here’s Kevin’s latest story on the subject, including a selection of the photos he mentions in this episode:

Defying deportation, Ingrid Encalada will enter sanctuary once again

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