Denver expanded its offerings Wednesday for residents struggling to heat their homes, keep the lights on and make rent.
The city started accepting applications Wednesday for the Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance (TRUA) and Low-Income Energy Assistance (LEAP) programs. The two programs are part of the city's response to the rising housing costs in Denver.
TRUA is available to households that earn up to 80 percent of area median income — $47,000 for a household of one, $60,400 for a three-person household. The city is asking people to call 3-1-1 and press 6 for more information.
TRUA is a new pilot program paid for through Denver’s dedicated fund for housing. The program is estimated to serve more than 300 families in its first year and targets neighborhoods experiencing substantial change.
LEAP is available to households that earn up to 165 percent of the federal poverty index — a $1,658 monthly gross income for a household of one, $2,808 for a three-person household. Applicants can apply at 1-866-432-8435 or www.denvergov.org/LEAP.
“We have heard loud and clear from Denver households that too often it is unforeseen circumstances or increased costs that can lead to a housing crisis,” Mayor Michael Hancock said in a statement.
“These tools are meant to provide temporary relief for people in a pinch to ensure that Denver residents can remain in their homes, and that we keep Denver affordable for all our people.”
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Business & data reporter Adrian D. Garcia can be reached via email at [email protected] or twitter.com/adriandgarcia.