Hi! I haven't written this news roundup in a week. What am I even doing here? What is news? I don't know, let's keep reading and see.

5280 gives 2.5 stars to El Five, a new tapas place that some of my friends really love. (5280)
I really like Daliah Singer's list of the "last" remote places in Colorado. Another way to avoid people is to stop reading internet lists and buy some maps. Still, good list! (5280)
More than 6,000 fossilized bones from duck-billed dinosaurs that roamed the region about 67 million years ago have been donated to the Museum of Nature & Science. You can see some at the mall this weekend. Ashley reports. (Denverite)
Gov. John Hickenlooper's chief of staff is quitting and returning to his job at a lobbying firm next year -- the same firm that recently won a $17,500-a-month contract with the governor's office. Following criticism, Hick's office said it would not renew the contract. Jesse Paul reports. (DP)
A new Denver school board member announced that she is resigning her teaching position to comply with a policy barring employees from serving on the board. Melanie Asmar reports. (Chalkbeat)
A former legislative aide filed a complaint saying state Sen. Randy Baumgardner inappropriately touched her several times. Bente Birkeland reports. (KUNC)
Business & development:
Chipotle is looking for a new CEO to replace founder Steve Ells. (AP)
How did “Smokey” Ortiz get the 4/20 permit from under the nose of Euflora employees who had camped out for weeks? Check out the play-by-play from surveillance video by Marshall Zelinger. (9)
Sunflowers grow well with little water. That's why it's a $30 million industry and likely still growing. Cory Reppenhagen reports. (9)
The hardware store at Walnut and 32nd is becoming... yes, a mixed-use thing. Caitlin Hendee reports. (DBJ)
DUI arrests are down but fatal crashes are up. State patrol isn’t sure why. Ben Markus reports. (CPR)
Civic conversations:
Ink! Coffee in Five Points reopened yesterday to a handful of demonstrators and police officers keeping watch. (AP)
Denver has a plan to replace the infamous "slot home," a much derided architectural form that allows developers to maximize the number of units on relatively small lots. The big change: homes would have to actually face the street. (Denverite)
Denver’s tiny-home village won a 2017 Mayor’s Design Award. So did the Auraria Higher Education Center, Avanti Food and Beverage, Illegal Pete's on Colfax and The Maven Hotel. Adrian reports. (Denverite)
DIA turned on its $15 million sign. Some say it's too bright, but I disagree. I did think it was a little underwhelming, but I guess that's what you get for $15 million. (Denverite)
How should cities handle granny flats? Here's a designer's view. (CityLab)