You can fight for the right to party. Just not in an Airbnb.
Ahead of New Year's Eve, the company is boosting its "anti-party systems" and drawing a "hard line." And it's not just in Denver -- the crackdown is global.
How will the crackdown work?
Guests without positive reviews and no history at all will be barred from making one-night rentals on New Year's Eve. Similar policies were in place across the U.S. for Halloween this year.
This policy will complement Airbnb's general anti-party stance. Airbnb had experimented with a year-round party-ban policy since August 2020 and saw a 44% drop in party reports. In June of this year, the company made its party-ban policy official.
These rules are in place to protect both hosts and guests and to ensure short-term rentals do not disrupt surrounding neighbors.
How have past holiday party bans worked out?
In 2021, the company's anti-party policies coincided with a 56% drop in complaints over New Year's Eve Parties.
Around the world, 340,000 people encountered the defenses. More than 950 did in Denver alone.
"Stays take place across the world each night on Airbnb, with the overwhelming majority of guests and Hosts being respectful of neighbors and delivering benefits to their local community," explained Naba Banerjee, Director of Trust Product and Operations at Airbnb, in a statement. "These proactive defenses will help to promote responsible travel and help to prevent rare instances of unwelcome behavior, and enable Hosts, guests and communities to enjoy their end of year celebrations with added reassurance."