Roads were closed and roughly 100 law enforcement officers were driving around Empower Field at Mile High on Monday.
Police and sheriff deupties from across the metro area were hanging from trucks, chatting — and even hugging — in the Broncos' stadium parking lot, many wearing helmets, with zip-ties dangling from their utility belts.
At first glance, they appeared dressed to fight a mob. At second glance, they were one grill shy of a barbeque.
What was happening? Understandably, Denverite readers were concerned.

Were the officers disbanding a protest? Were they training? Was there a crime scene?
"Whether it is a massive training session or not, there should be some kind of coverage on it, and I can't find anything about it," wrote reader Eric M.
Denverite investigated.
"There is a training exercise going on at that location today," a spokesperson for the police wrote. "This is an annual, in person training involving around 100 officers from multiple agencies in the Metro Denver area."
The department didn't say what skills were being taught. But we did observe officers dressed for a crisis grinning and waving hello.
No need to panic.