Soon you won’t be able to buy a Wynkoop beer in a store

Wynkoop, which is pronounced “Wynkoop,” has been canning beer for seven years.
1 min. read

Wykoop Brewing Company will not longer package its beers and sell them to liquor stores, bars or restaurants besides the brewpub and its sister spots, Westword reported.

Wynkoop, which is pronounced "Wynkoop," has been canning beer for seven years. Breckenridge-Wynkoop LLC president Ed Cerkovnik told Westword it was hard for the company to "achieve a level of profitability that made sense with those sales" and that it will refocus its efforts on the the brewpub on Wynkoop Street, (which is pronounced "Wynkoop").

So if canned Wynkoop beer is what you're into, start hoarding now.

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