Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton leads Republican opponent Donald Trump in two new polls of likely Colorado voters, yet neither of the presidential candidates are very well-liked here.
Here's what they said about the presidential elections.
- In a Harper Polling survey, 45 percent supported Clinton, 38 percent trump, and 14 percent "someone else." The margin of error is about 4 percentage points.
- In a Monmouth University poll, 48 percent supported Clinton, 35 percent Trump and 11 percent other candidates.
Respondents viewed both candidates fairly unfavorably. The Monmouth poll found 50 percent view Clinton unfavorably, while 64 percent disapprove of Trump.
Also, Trump faces a challenge in unifying Republicans here. The Monmouth poll found he had the support of about 78 percent of his party, compared to 93% for Clinton from the Democrats.
In Colorado's U.S. Senate race:
- Harper found that 46 percent would vote for Michael Bennet, the incumbent Democrat, while 40 percent supported Darryl Glenn, the Republican challenger.
- Monmouth found that Bennet led by 48 percent to 35 percent.
A major disadvantage for the Republican: Only 38 percent of respondents had an opinion about him, indicating that many don't know his name, Harper Polling found. Still, at least that means fewer people dislike him.
Would Hick help?
We're still pretty skeptical that Clinton wants Gov. John Hickenlooper as vice president, but Harper ran an interesting question about him here.
As it turns out:
- 40 percent of respondents would be more likely to vote Clinton with Hickenlooper on the ticket.
- 42 percent would be less likely
- The rest didn't care
What's the big picture?
We still don't have a great idea of how it's shaping up in Colorado. The most recent poll before this, from CBS News, showed a much tighter race. These two polls show
FiveThirtyEight projects Colorado as a win for Clinton, and the site's analysts expect an overall victory for her too.
Still, a recent set of polls from Quinnipiac showed Trump slightly ahead or tied in Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio, all major swing states. His leads were not statistically significant, and in general this whole polling business is a crapshoot that we all make too big of a deal about.