September 12-16 marks the fifth annual Denver Startup Week—an entire five days dedicated to tech, design, DIY and marketing.
“If you’ve ever owned your own business or started your own business, Denver Startup Week is for you,” said Brea Olson, a spokesperson for the Downtown Denver Partnership.
Denver Startup week has about 250 workshops, seminars and social events scheduled, and more than 6,000 people have already registered. It is the largest free event of its kind, Olson said, and this year’s attendance is on track to overtake last year’s total of 10,875.
Participants can choose from six tracks of events focused on different elements of the start-up life. Investor speed dating and a lecture on not designing for exposure are just a couple on the lineup of events curated to fit the six tracks: designer, developer, founder, sales and marketing, manufacturing and product development.
And this year has a theme: Diversity in startup culture.
There will be a job fair, a summit for women in startups and special guests from HBO's Silicon Valley. Actress Suzanne Cryer and writer Seth Lavigne will participate in a panel to discuss women in startups and hollywood tech versus real-life tech.
The week will culminate in a pitch contest. On Thursday, Sept. 15, from 6 to 9 PM at Galvanize Platte Street, eight semi-finalists will pitch to investors--for real funding.
"[In Denver] you have access to top talent, people want to live here and work here," Olson said. "Denver is establishing itself as one of the best communities to start your business."
Sound like your bag? There is still time to register, and it's free.
Multimedia business & healthcare reporter Chloe Aiello can be reached via email at [email protected] or twitter.com/chlobo_ilo.
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