Caboose Hobbies announces new location in Lakewood

The Denver model train store Caboose Hobbies plans to reopen next month in Lakewood.
1 min. read
Duncan Harvey, who’s worked at Caboose Hobby on South Broadway since 1997, can be seen through a display case filled with tiny locomotives. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite) train; caboose hobby; model; denver; south broadway; colorado; kevinjbeaty; denverite;

Duncan Harvey, who's worked at Caboose Hobby on South Broadway since 1997, can be seen through a display case filled with tiny locomotives. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)

The model train store Caboose Hobbies plans to reopen next month in Lakewood.

Caboose Hobbies announced this summer that it's leaving its longtime location on South Broadway. In October, the store announced it was under new ownership and relocating somewhere in the Denver metro area.

"Our retail location of the past 35 years, at 500 S. Broadway in Denver, closed on Sept. 11, 2016. But we will be reopening in early December as Caboose at 10800 W. Alameda Ave. Lakewood, Colorado," the store's website states.

The business was owned by Duane Miller’s family since 1951. The new owner is Evergreen resident Kevin Ruble, according to the store's Facebook page.

The building at 500 S. Broadway could be demolished for a small banking facility, store staff told Denverite in an email.

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