Denver in 5 minutes: What you need to know today, Nov. 27

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Juan Garcia in his bodega. Small Business Saturday. Nov. 26, 2016. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite) small business saturday; denver; denverite; retail; kevinjbeaty; colorado;

Juan Garcia in his bodega on Small Business Saturday. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)

Prepare yourself, it's almost time to go back to work.

If you're a college football fan, you know that the Buffs already put in work. You should also know about the work that goes into Small Business Saturday and the strange work of title companies, so read on.

Small Business Saturday doesn't come to all of Denver

But what do you expect from a holiday created by a credit card company? Over in Cherry Creek, some businesses had their best day of the year while in Cole, some local shops had never even heard of this commerce holiday. (Denverite)

Buffs go from worst to first

Saturday night, the CU Buffs won their football game 27-22 against Utah. If you don't believe me, just look at all these happy people. Next up, the conference championship against sixth-ranked Washington. (AP)

A closer look at a real estate relationship that might not help consumers

Who looks at a title company? Not many of us average Joes. Who looks at the close and not always disclosed relationships between real estate brokers and title companies? The Denver Post. Who explains it to you? Denverite. (Denverite)

Title company and real estate firm share a roof

When you're done with the rundown on title companies in Colorado, head to the Denver Post for a look at just how close the relationship between a broker and title company can get. (DP)

Avs lost by one goal last night

Vancouver goaltender Jacob Markstrom says the secret to stopping the Colorado Avalanche was stopping the puck. (AP)

Combating homelessness with marijuana tax money
Gov. John Hickenlooper wants $12.3 million in annual marijuana tax revenues to go towards creating housing for the chronically homeless in Colorado. The taxes are poised to go to law enforcement, health care and substance abuse prevention and treatment programs, so this switch would require a law change. (DP)
It's your chance to be a ninja

In April, four Colorado athletes who have appeared on American Ninja Warrior will bring their sport Denver University's Magness Arena. That's plenty of time for me to train right? First step, exercise. (Coloradoan)

 The inventor of the like button hires someone to do her social media
The part-time Boulder resident found that she was caught up in seeking external validation. Now she draws comics with simple heartfelt messages that have been collected into a book. But Leah Pearlman isn't checking the sales. (Daily Camera)

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