Denver is a hub for federal agencies, which means it's particularly affected by changes within the federal government.
The latest to watch: The Environmental Protection Agency has been told to plan for the elimination of two of the ten regional EPA offices that dot the United States, according to
There is no indication that Denver's office is in consideration for elimination. In fact, it could grow if it was merged with another regional office. However, EPA also has been ordered to cut costs and move to less expensive locations, according to's anonymously sourced article.
The reduction order was handed down from the Office of Management & Budget, according to InsideEPA, with EPA to work with OMB on a plan over the next three months.
We've reached out to the regional EPA office for comment. The office is just off the 16th Street Mall on Wynkoop Street, with staff covering six states in the Mountain West and plains.
We'll know much more on March 16, when President Donald Trump's administration is expected to release its budget outline for the coming fiscal year. The administration has announced it will seek a $54 billion increase to military spending, which it's expected to offset with cuts to agencies like EPA. Sources familiar with the draft budget told CNN it calls for a 24 percent budget cut to the EPA and a 20 percent reduction in staffing.