Vote for Denverite’s next Readers’ Choice story

1 min. read
Lead trainer and manager Kristopher Rainer instructs Eliphaz Kenge, a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, at Emily’s Coffee inside the Emily Griffith Technical College, June 15, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite) Emily Griffith Technical College; north capitol hill; refugee; coffee shop; kevinjbeaty; denver; denverite; colorado;

Every week, Denverite’s Readers’ Choice series delves into topics selected by the public.

Last week, the topic of coffee received the most votes. Books was a close second, so we’re including it in this week’s voting round, as well.

Check out this week’s Readers’ Choice story about Emily’s Coffee, which has helped refugees and immigrants transition to the United States for years, but is now in need of $50,000 by June 30 in order to keep the program running.

You can start voting now for next week’s feature. Polls close at 12 p.m. on Tuesday. (If you’re having trouble viewing the form below, click here.)

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