Sometimes, our beautiful planet seems to tell me exactly what type of news we should all be reading. Today, it happens to be news of water and fire. Go figure since we've got another 96 degree day on our hands.
Let's get elemental and enjoy this news.
Denver Water gets approval to raise Gross Dam
Denver Water got federal approval to raise the height of the Gross Dam by 131 feet. That means almost triple the amount of water storage. (AP)
How to follow fire restrictions
Camping in Boulder, White River National Forest or somewhere else in the foothills. There's a good chance Stage 1 Fire Restrictions are in place. Here's how to follow them and ensure that everybody gets a chance to enjoy Colorado's outdoors this summer. (Denver7)
Peekaboo Fire over 12,000 acres
If you need a reminder as to why fire restrictions are important, look no farther than the Peekaboo Fire of Moffat County. Strong winds and thunderstorms have made containment difficult. (Denver7)
Meet in the Street returns to the 16th Street Mall
For the next two Saturdays, the 16th Street Mall won't have its signature Free MallRide so that people can participate in placemaking activities and other summer fun. But if you need to catch a ride those days, here's how. (Denverite)
Eisenhower/Johnson Memorial Tunnels closed tonight and Monday night
Another quick PSA: the Eisenhower Tunnel is going to be closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday and Monday. No trips to Black Hawk for you while they check the fire suppression system. (DP)
Lonetree Reservoir will close to the public next summer
Am I allowed to say the rent's too damn high if Colorado Parks and Wildlife lost out on a 20 year lease for Lonetree Reservoir down near Berthoud? Colorado Parks and Wildlife did not identify who won the bid. (Loveland Reporter-Herald)
There's still time to catch the Colorado Black Arts Festival
And you'll want to go if you read more about the celebration of African and African American culture. (DP)
Recovering from Boulder County's Cold Springs Fire
It's been a year since the 500-acre blaze destroyed eight homes near Nederland. For those that lost homes, the struggle is far from over. (Daily Camera)
Who gets paid the most in Colorado
Four new oil and gas industry corporate executives cracked the ranks of the 10 highest-paid Colorado executives last year. Meanwhile, corporate executives who work in industries not related to natural resources saw lower pay. (DP)
Monsoon season is coming
While we're worrying about wildfires, it's simultaneously Colorado's rainiest season. I can't think of a better illustration of our state's weather. Be on the lookout for big rain dumps until August. (Denver7)
24-year-old Sumatran orangutan moves to Denver
Unlike most mammals his age who have moved to Denver, Berani didn't come for the craft beer or the great outdoors. You can find him at the Denver Zoo, provided you aren't incensed by transplants. (Fox31)