Denver in news 5 minutes: What you need to know today, July 23

3 min. read
Former Bronco Eben Britton plays kickball. The 420 Games at Berkeley Lake Park, July 22, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite) 420 games; Berkeley Lake Park; berkely; kevinjbeaty; denver; denverite; colorado; kickball; sports;

Former Bronco Eben Britton plays kickball at the 420 Games at Berkeley Lake Park on July 22, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)

Even the video game I've been playing this weekend recognizes the value of an informed citizenry via journalism. Yes, it's Splatoon 2, and yes, it's a broadcast news facsimile, but you still have to read all the dialog before you can go play online with other people.

Be like the Inklings of Inkopolis, read today's news before you go out and play. You'll be better for it, plus you'll learn about expensive eminent domain, South Broadway's Famous Pizza and the 420 Games. 

A booming Denver means a more expensive eminent domain process

The Colorado Department of Transportation acquired three times as many properties in 2016 as it did in 2008, reports the Denver Post. They'd like to grab even more land via eminent domain for infrastructure projects like the Federal Boulevard widening, but increasing property values have proved to be an obstacle. (DP)

Rocky Mountain National Park will get $200,000 from the Interior Department

The Interior Department says in a release that Congress has provided $20 million, and $33 million will come from outside organizations. In RMNP, $200,000 matched by $200,000 from the Rocky Mountain Conservancy will go to trail maintenance. (AP)

420 Games Founder Jim McAlpine explains why he likes exercising high

McAlpine understands that mixing marijuana and exercise “is not for everybody,” but the touring 420 games are meant to show that cannabis can be a part of active people’s lives. Former NFL players also talked about benefits of using cannabis products instead of opioids to cope with pain. (Denverite)

Service industry struggles to find workers amid record low unemployment

In addition to record low unemployment, the service industry is now in competition with the cannabis industry for entry-level workers. (Fox31)

South Broadway's Famous Pizza is going to move

Famous Pizza has been at South Broadway and Bayaud since 1974. But owner Gus Mavrocefalos learned recently that his lease won't be renewed because his landlord wants something new in the space. (7)

Colfax Guardian Angels outfit says crime is getting worse

The Commander of the Colorado Guardian Angels thinks crime is getting worse on Colfax and he attributes it to apathy. The volunteer outfit has recently opened an office on Colfax Avenue and is seeking volunteers. (CBS Denver)

Silhouetter to the stars comes to Denver

Karl Johnson is a professional scissor artist and third-generation silhouettist with an unusual source of strength: blindness in one eye. He'll be in town next weekend and you can get a silhouette of your own for $30. (DP)

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