Anybody can make a list of the newest bars and the newest restaurants and call them the best Denver restaurants.
It takes people who've lived in Denver and really know their stuff to tell you which taqueria has the best al pastor and which pho joint is the one you should definitely take your vegetarian friend to.
Denverite's Ashley Dean got the goods from people who live near two of Denver's most famous stretches of restaurants -- East Colfax Avenue and Federal Boulevard -- to make a full list of suggestions for the best Mexican, the best Ethiopian, the best Vietnamese, the best Denver restaurants along those iconic streets.
And, yes, the guide includes her list of some of Denver's oldest bars, where you can drink like Keruoac did (or like a much more reasonable person would now).
Get our checklist to start eating like a Denverite when you sign up for our free newsletter below.

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Plus, you'll get updates from Ashley on dining news and things to do in Denver.
Sign up now and you'll get a welcome email with a link to the dining guide and start getting Denverite updates right away!
(If you're already on the newsletter and want the checklist of the best Denver restaurants, we included it in today's 3:03 and it'll be in tomorrow morning's newsletter, too.)