Wit's End Brewing Co. announced Friday it's closing shop in west Denver and moving in with Strange Craft Beer Co. across town.
Wit's End owner Scott Witsoe described the move as an attempt to evolve and change with the craft brewing industry. The company founded in 2011 plans to carve out a "tiny corner" of the Strange Craft's brewery space in Lincoln Park southeast of Mile High Stadium.
"My good friend Tim Myers (of Strange Craft Beer) and I spoke one fateful day about the idea of pooling our resources, what we could do together to strengthen our companies and the idea of cohabitating at his facility was born," Witsoe wrote on the homepage of the Wit's End website.
The plan is for the original Wit's End taproom at 2505 W. Second Ave. to close before the end of the year and for the brewer to have at least four taps in Strange Craft's space at 1330 Zuni St. Strange Craft will produce most of the Wit's End beer in their brewhouse as well as distribute around Denver.
"Just as energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another, so too will Wit’s End Brewing Co. (that’s Einstein yo)," Witsoe wrote. "We will soon emerge from the chrysalis as a beautiful butterfly — but chubby, bald, no wings and a beard."
Witsoe said he plans to "pursue other endeavors" and will be leaving day-to-day operations of the co-taproom to Strange Craft founder Tim Myers. Myers opened Strange Craft in 2010.
"Our two companies will stay separate and Wit’s End will continue to own all of their amazing brands," Myers told Denverite an email. "Sharing brewing facilities, staff and rent reduces overhead significantly. Combining brew staff allows for greater recipe creativity and innovation. Which hopefully leads to more satisfied customers."
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Business & data reporter Adrian D. Garcia can be reached via email at [email protected] or twitter.com/adriandgarcia.