CORRECTION: This story originally indicated the wrong day for the siren test. The test will be Wednesday.
This Wednesday at 11 a.m., in order to help make sure you’ll be safe in times of disaster, the city of Denver will be testing it’s alarm system.
It will be loud, it may make you uncomfortable, but alas, it is necessary.
This Wednesday's alarm is a test, but the city wants you to understand that if you hear these sirens any other time, you should seek safety and shelter immediately. The city does this annual test right before we enter tornado season because, as you can imagine, it's nice to know that it works before something actually happens.
“Denver’s outdoor warning system is a critical part of our ability to provide timely, accurate and relevant warning to our residents, businesses and visitors,” Ryan Broughton, executive director of the Denver Office of Emergency Management, said in a press release.
I know you would rather not have to listen to blaring sirens mid-morning but, luckily, it will only take three continuous minutes of siren-ing to ensure the system is functioning properly.