Mulch is miraculous. It keeps water in the soil, slows down weed growth and keeps plant roots cool. Compost, decomposed organic matter used to fertilize gardens, is pretty outstanding, too.
Both, when purchased from the store can be costly. But there's a free option.
The City of Denver's Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, the folks who take your trash, will be handing out free mulch and compost from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., on Saturday, May 4.
Best of all, this is mulch and compost you may have contributed to.
The mulch is coming from tree branches and Christmas tree recycling through the city's Treecycle collection program, while the compost comes from all the leftovers and peelings you chucked and sent away through Denver's Compost Collection Program.
Here's what to know about digging your own compost.
First, you have to register and receive a coupon at the city's mulch website.
Then find yourself one five-gallon bucket, a shovel, proof that you live in Denver and the coupon confirmation number.

Finally, head to the Denver Central Platte Campus' south entrance, at 1271 W. Bayaud Ave. Go past the Denver Animal Shelter and you'll be able to scoop up your compost.
Coupons will not be available on site. Each household only gets one. The quanity is limited.
Here's what you need to know about digging your own mulch.
This process is a little easier, and you don't need a coupon.
There are two locations: the Denver Central Platte Campus, through the north entrance, at 2000 W. 3rd Ave. Turn right at the stop sign and follow the Mulch Giveaway signs. The other spot is at the Havana Nursery, 10450 Smith Rd.
Plan to bring a rake or a shovel, a tarp to cover trucks or trailers and bags for loading the mulch.

Only Denver residents are allowed to participate. Commercial vehicles are banned. And the mulch cannot be sold.
For gardners with trucks and small, one-axle trailers, the city will offer a free loader service.
For more information, go to the city's mulch website.