Last week, Colorado political analyst Floyd Ciruli declared Colorado "no longer a battleground state."
Now, Politico reports that Hillary Clinton's team is pulling their TV ads from Colorado, and saying that Clinton's position in Colorado is stronger than was Barack Obama's in 2008 and 2012.
"Colorado was part of the Clinton campaign’s initial, general election advertising campaign, which began in mid-June and cost at least $22 million. But Monday is the final day of that ad buy.
"The Clinton campaign began placing another two weeks of reservations last week, beginning this Tuesday. But this time, it omitted Colorado from the list of target states. The campaign is set to air ads in Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. The buy is worth at least $7.7 million over the next two weeks."
The Clinton campaign had made a big ad buy here in primary season, too.