The roll call vote for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton is underway at the Democratic National Convention, and Colorado's delegation has voted. Well, most of them.
Here was the breakdown:
Sanders: 41
Clinton: 36
Abstained: 1
Update: The abstention appears to be Sen. Michael Bennet, who is campaigning in Colorado today and heading to Philadelphia Wednesday.
A spokeswoman for his campaign said he would have voted for Clinton if he were there and supports the nominee as he has from the beginning.
Bennet took some grief for that support at the state convention earlier this year.
This roll call vote has been a pretty happy occasion, with big cheers for Clinton and the nation's regional diversity on display as delegates rattle off the things of which they're proud.
But Republicans took an opportunity online to pour some salt in the wounds of Sanders' supporters.
For the record, Clinton won more delegates even when superdelegates are excluded.