Joe Biden talks about the next president’s international task at DU

Vice President Joe Biden told students and faculty at the University of Denver that the next president needs to deepen the United States’ engagement with other countries, namely those in the Pacific.
1 min. read

DENVER (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden told students and faculty at the University of Denver that the next president needs to deepen the United States' engagement with other countries, namely those in the Pacific.

Speaking at the annual Korbel Dinner on Thursday night, Biden said a strong economy and establishing credibility by ensuring that policy matches American values are essential to maintaining the United States' leadership in a rapidly changing world.

Biden also noted that the broad consensus to engage internationally is now being questioned by some in both political parties — a view he called dangerous. He said, "We can neither protect nor advance our interests by turning inward."

The dinner is an annual fundraiser for the university's Josef Korbel School of International Studies.

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