It's getting down into the 20s tonight, so plan your outrageous New Year's Eve attire accordingly. And check out what's going on in and around Denver on this, the final night of 2016.

Rising rent in Denver will likely slow through 2021
For the past six years, rents in tech cities like Austin, Denver and San Francisco have grown 1.6 percent faster than the rest of the country. But rents are expected to peak in 2017 and slow through 2021 as housing supply catches up with demand. (Denverite)
Denver Fire responded to a two alarm fire Saturday morning
An estimated eight people were injured and seven displaced by a fire at 3450 South Poplar St. (Denverite)
Bald eagles are making a comeback in Colorado
A tenacious population of bald eagles that calls Denver's City Park its home is evidence of a growing nationwide population. Once threatened by pesticides, our national bird required Endangered Species Act protection until 2007. Today the population has grown an estimated 143,000, although the population of its cousin, the golden eagle, has remained stagnant. (Denver Post)
How safe are Colorado's chairlifts?
Chairlift injuries are far more common than deaths from chairlift falls. A recent tragedy in Ski Granby Ranch prompts a closer look a the age and safety of Colorado's chairlifts. (Denverite)
A blazing comet will usher in 2017
Keep your eyes fixed on the night sky this evening. NASA reports Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova will be near the moon on New Year's Eve, as it makes its periodic return to the inner solar system. (9 News)
New Year's Eve plans for you and your friends
If you procrastinated on New Year's Eve plans (again), don't sweat it. Ashley has you covered with her big weekend list. (Denverite)
Multimedia business & healthcare reporter Chloe Aiello can be reached via email at [email protected] or
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