Do you live on a residential street? I'm betting yes, because, you know, that's how that works.
Do you drive a car? Probably. This is Denver.
Have you been frustrated by Denver's rule preventing your street from getting plowed unless there was a foot of snow or more?
Well, the city has some great news for you, person who's just trying to live.
As of the beginning of this year, Denver will send plows out through residential streets for half the amount of snow.
Here are the new criteria, as laid out by Denver Public Works:
- Plows could be deployed during any point in the winter snow season (program used to run November 15 to March 15).
- Six inches or more of snow predicted (criteria used to be 12 inches of snow predicted).
- The Manager of Denver Public Works recommends this program to the Mayor when necessary.
But don't get too excited. As you may or may not already know, residential plowing does not (and will not) completely clear streets. As the website explains:
The Residential Snow Plow Program was created following the blizzards of 2006-07 to keep residential streets, or side streets, passable. This program is meant to shave off the very top few inches of snowpack to prevent deep rutting. The residential plows do not bring the street to bare pavement, but make the street more drivable, and ultimately safer, in larger storm events.
Now, when you need to pick up beer to help you through the storm, you can venture out with great caution when you once might have cowered on the couch.
Now you can feel less guilty about ordering that pizza.
Now you can move boldly through the narrow streets of Capitol Hill at 10 mph instead of 5.
The city is your moderately less snowy oyster. Go forth and go sledding.