A sharp observer might notice something odd here.
OK, a little closer now for you. You're right. There's something familiar and spicy afoot during Governor John Hickenlooper's State of the State address.
Indeed, that is a pillow version of a bottle of Sriracha hot sauce nestled on the podium next to the governor's elbow. But why? Could he find comfort in its soft chile presence?
Denverite asked if the governor could comment on the cushion, but he apparently wasn't even aware it was there.
While everyone else (Erica included) was writing about the governor's speech, this photographer did a little more snooping.
As it happens, newly-elected Speaker of the House Crisanta Duran is a big fan of the stuff, and she'd received it as a gift earlier in the day. She left it on the podium, and so this cute little consumer good got to come along for the State of the State.