The day after the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump -- and a large protest march through downtown Denver -- the long-planned Women's March on Denver brought thousands of demonstrators to Civic Center. Organizers initially told some news outlets that they believe 60,000 people were present, but by early afternoon, speakers told the crowd they'd reached 200,000.
SEE ALSO: The voices of the Women's March on Denver

The march, which drew thousands of people hours before the announced start time of 9:30 a.m., became by 10:30 a complete circuit, with the first marchers arriving at the end of the route with other marchers still just starting across Civic Center Park.

Here is the route they marched:
Here's a 360-degree look at the crowd on the north side of Civic Center around 9:30:
The stated purpose of the march included sending a message to President Trump that women want to maintain reproductive rights, that the marchers embrace diversity and shun hateful and racist rhetoric and actions, and that all people should be treated equally.

Here's Colorado Speaker of the House Crisanta Duran addressing the crowd.
Here's a view from the balcony of the Denver Post building:
EARLIER: Our live stream held up for a while, but service has been spotty in the massive crowds.