Andrés Neidig waits to get a haircut at Jigg’s Barber Shop on Santa Fe Drive, which he’s been patronizing since 1989. March 21, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
denver; colorado; kevinjbeaty; denverite; santa fe art district; lincoln park; haircut;
Andrés Neidig waits to get a haircut at <a href="">Jigg's Barber Shop</a> on Santa Fe Drive, which he's been patronizing since 1989. March 21, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
Thanks for another lovely week, Denver. Here's a taste of our experience through the last seven days.
OK, let's work backwards. Yesterday we went deep into the state's past, circa 1935 and the American Dust Bowl Era. A new tool by Yale University let us scope Colorado photography by the iconic Farm Security Agency during that time.
There's no story for this photo of the parking lot, I just enjoy the pattern:
Empty spaces at Park Meadows Mall. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
I also have super enjoyed the food photography coming out of 5280 Magazine, like this scrumptious snap by Aaron Colussi.
This week Brazilian artist Alexandre Orion's mural was vindicated after it was vandalized last month. Orion had to be flown in to complete the four-day restoration.
Brazilian artist Alexandre Orion and his mural on the Cherry Creek Trail during a <a href="">ceremony re-introducing it</a> after it was vandalized this winter, March 23, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
Erica was present for a very long hearing on a bipartisan effort to bring an infrastructure tax hike to voters this year.
The Colorado House Transportation Committee meets on <a href="">HB-1242</a>, a bipartisan measure to ask voters if they'd raise sales tax to boster infrastructure speding, March 22, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
The Denver Post's Helen Richardson caught some sweet tricks on top of the Millennium Bridge.
And Ashley and I learned to make pork green chile from a true master.
Raymunda Carreón blends chiles and tomatoes at <a href="">Comal Kitchen</a>. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
Adrian went digging into the city's effort to continue development without causing community displacement...
Denver Office of Economic Development Executive Director <a href="">Paul Washington</a> stands outside of the Ink Monstr office in Sun Valley. March 22, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
<a href="">Jigg's Barber Shop</a> owner Eddie Lopez cuts longtime client Tony Rodriguez's hair. March 21, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
And last Saturday, as also happened this Saturday, we caught a look at young, ambitious Tay Anderson speaking to crowd protesting the President. Time is a flat circle.
Tay Anderson address the crowd <a href="">during a rally</a> to demand an investigation into Donald Trump's connections to Russia at Civic Center Park. March 18, 2017. (Ashley Dean/Denverite)
As always, if you know any photojournalists I should keep in mind to add to the weekly post please email or Tweet me. Otherwise, we'll see you next week with more adventures in visual storytelling.
Kevin is a multimedia artist who flung himself into the world of journalism. He likes using a camera and microphone to tell stories about workers, the environment, social justice and fascinating humans.