This may be the dumbest thing you read today, but before you get angry at me, you clicked on a headline that said, "This Colorado meme is all wrong!" And I am going to deliver on that headline.
The person who is wrong on the Internet today is whoever assembled this "One Hilarious Pic To Sum Up Each American State" post over at eBaum's World.
These are stereotyperific, and I'll let someone at the Alabamaite get offended by the Alabama one. My objection to the Colorado pic is not that it demeans us, but that it has nothing to do with us. There is a lady in an animal costume of some sort (Can you tell what it is? Email me: [email protected]). She's in the mountains. I guess the mountains are alright, but it's just a visual non sequitur.
Unless she's a prairie dog. But I don't think she is.
Meanwhile, other states have taken all our things: Arizona has wildfires. California has weed. South Dakota has the jackalope. Multiple states have bears, so I think they could have spared one for us.
Do you have a "hilarious pic" that sums up Colorado? Send it over and if we get enough responses, we'll turn them into a much more accurate post.