Here's this week's episode of Denverite Now, your favorite Denver news podcast!
Here's how our host, Paul Karolyi, describes this episode:
1) Stephanie Snyder introduces the newest iteration of Denverite’s Readers’ Choice project and puts the call out to you, the listeners, for possible future topics. Denverite has been running the program in some form for almost a year, so a lot of reader questions have been answered already:
Readers’ Choice: Stories about Denver, selected by you
And here's the story Stephanie mentioned about horse ties in Capitol Hill:
Those mysterious stone pillars in Capitol Hill are vestiges of Denver's horse-drawn history
2) Adrian D. Garcia talks through a few recent developments within the local craft beer community, including a new Brewers Association seal for craft breweries to distinguish their products from megabrews. Here’s his coverage of the seal:
Brewers Association has new seal for really, truly “independent” craft beers
And here’s a selection of his reports about last year’s schism within the Colorado Brewers Guild:
Colorado breweries fight over who belongs in the craft club
Competing Colorado craft beer groups officially bury hatchet
3) Christian Clark breaks down the Denver Nuggets and Colorado Avalanche’s off-season moves. Here’s a selection of his relevant reports:
Denver Nuggets acquire Jazz’s Trey Lyles in draft-night deal
Las Vegas chooses Avalanche’s Calvin Pickard in expansion draft
4) Andy Kenney discusses two recent Colorado-related moves at the U.S. Supreme Court: one dealing with same-sex discrimination and the pastry arts and the other with public funding of religious schools. Also, we get a sense of how Colorado’s own Justice Neil Gorsuch is fitting into these discussions. Andy’s reports on the two cases are here:
How a Lakewood man’s refusal to bake for a gay couple became a Supreme Court case on civil rights
Religious schools get another chance at state funding in Colorado
You can find the Masterpiece Cakeshop video here: Jack Phillips Story
And here’s a link to the Wikipedia page for Anthony Lewis’s “Gideon’s Trumpet”
Remember, you can send any questions or feedback about the podcast to [email protected] or tweet at us using the hashtag #DenveriteNow.
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