Hi. Did you know they used to run riverboats on Sloan's Lake? I could really go for a riverboat ride, but I'm working today, and it turns out there's a bunch of news here on land. We've got development news, a huge weed grow discovered by a hiker, the saga of Stoner Hill and more.
Development's coming:
Land near Black Shirt Brewing just sold for $2 million. No word on the exact plans. Amy DiPierro has the details. (BusinessDen)
Amy also reports that a parking lot at 2250 Blake Street has sold for $3.5 million to make way for a hotel. (BusinessDen)
Also, you can see all the area's large-scale development plans in threeeee-deeeee. It's rather striking. (Infill)
So much weed:
A hiker in San Isabel found more than 7,400 marijuana plants in an illegal grow. No one has been arrested. I would advise you to quickly vacate the area if you ever find one of these so you don't get hurt. Kieran Nicholson reports. (DP)
Stoner Hill:
We've written often here about the ongoing controversy of "Stoner Hill," where condo owners have been trying to disperse the young, homeless people who gathered in the park. There were complaints of drug use and occasional violence. Strategies have included new events, a policy banning suspected drugs users, new security officers and new security cameras.
This year, it appears that the so-called stoner crowd has dispersed, as Jon Murray reports. But where did they go? (DP)
B-Cycle change:
You can now rent a bike all day for $35. No more constant check-ins and/or extra fees. (Denverite)
Where to drink:
This seems like a pretty great list of new bars and drinkeries. I'm partial to Hudson Hill. Paul Karolyi recommends the grilled cheese. (5280)
In other arts coverage, Ray Mark Rinaldi has a nice roundup of super-special classical music moments you can witness this summer. Rocky Ridge Music Center sounds cool. (The Know)
How about this traffic?
5 p.m. on Thursday is the worst hour for car crashes in Denver. About 20 percent of crashes happen during left turns. Lots more where that came from. (5280)
Construction deficit:
There could be 96,000 vacant construction jobs in Colorado by 2025, which is 38 percent more than today, thanks to a combination of new demand and retirement. It's a cycle: Construction workers can't afford to move here, which drives up housing costs. Erin Douglas has an excellent feature. (DP)
The Rockies stopped losing:
Jon Gray is pitching for the first time since April, and he helped the Rockies break an eight-game losing streak on Friday. But then they lost on Saturday. (Rox Pile, Purple Row)